Police News - 13 December 2013

Mount Tamborine Police News

The last Police news of the year of what has been another year full of events, wild weather, joy for some, sadness for others.  There is much I can reflect on over the year in relation to our Policing environment; there has been an increase in staff at our local level which has seen an increase in Police presence for our Mountain Police Division.  The crime statistics reflect an overall decrease in crime for the division and an increase in our clear up rates.  I must admit I am reluctant to utilise statistics as a measure for Policing success, I personally think they are over used by Governments and Politicians and whether positive or not they don’t always reflect the work being done.  The station and its members here take a lot of pride in taking the time to talk with people, no matter if they’re victims or offenders or people who are just struggling with the day to day battles of our modern life.  I know for a fact some of the time the empathy expressed by the staff here have had a great impact on the people we are involved with.  I don’t know how you measure that sort of work, mind you nor does our senior management as a rule.

It is also true to say that we have gained strength and life experiences from the people we have dealt with from time to time, we too feel the pain of tragedy when we lose people amongst our community especially our young ones.  We were all deeply affected by the loss of young Amy Abrahams and it strengthened our resolve to keep our young drivers safe; sometimes that means being tough and dishing out appropriate penalties to remind all drivers of the dangers of our roads.

On that note with the holiday season approaching, drive safely, drive within the law and most importantly keep your cool.  The roads will be busy as we know so exercise patience, plan your trip and don’t fall into the trap of losing your temper and becoming involved in an ugly incident with your family on board.  I believe as a community and across the board people have recognised that ‘road rage’ incidents are way too frequent and new and appropriate laws will soon come that will address this poor behaviour and people will be held responsible for their actions and maybe do a bit of time cooling there temper in a cell, as they should.

I would also remind everybody to keep an eye out for neighbours over this period with people travelling on holidays.  The schools will all be subject to increased Police patrols, a reminder to all that unless you have permission to be on school grounds, which will be rare, you may face prosecution.  Queensland schools have unfortunately been targeted by mindless criminals over the years which have caused the Police service to adopt some positive and successful operations over the holiday period to prevent and prosecute offences.   In saying this I ask that if you live nearby our schools, and or you are driving past them, keep an eye out and report any suspicious behaviour.

Finally on behalf of all the staff I wish you a Safe and Merry Christmas, be safe, be nice and enjoy.

Senior Constable Steve Hargreaves