Police News - 23 January 2014

Police News

Young Drivers and Risks

So it’s back to school and back to normal for 2014!! Congratulations to everyone who has had a successful break over Christmas and New Years and to those who are happy and healthy and looking forward to doing it all over again. Well done. Unfortunately though there are many families who have suffered loss in this time and we have to reflect on those people who are not returning home or to school or to their families. I’m mainly referring to the road toll and the fact that most of these fatal traffic crashes are preventable.

I recently came across a little passage which I think is quite powerful and have decided it was time to put it out there again in the hope that someone reads this, and truly understands how blessed they are to be alive. Many kids, youths and young adults these days are living by this notion ‘Y.O.L.O’ (You Only Live Once) and they are using it to justify risky behaviour and have adopted a “who cares” attitude towards their behaviours.

I believe that they have totally missed the ball on this one, the fact is, it’s true, you only live once and it’s a precious gift not to be squandered. Excessive alcohol consumption, recreational drug use and abuse, heavy partying, fighting, dangerous driving, driving whilst affected by drugs or alcohol, criminal behaviour all appear to be the norm for some kids today.

We live in a beautiful part of the world and our kids are well above the average these days however, we too have our risk takers; dangerous drivers, driving whilst being distracted by friends or mobile phones, drug and alcohol abusers; and it’s our job as friends, parents, Police, members of the community, and the court system to try to get them through this risky period in their lives.

Local Crime

On a brighter note, I am pleased to advise the community that the offenders involved in the ram raid at the NAB bank have been identified and charged with this and many other offences. So too has the offender who left a stolen motorcycle up here when it ran out of fuel only to commit a break and enter on a neighbouring property before stealing their vehicle to get away. He too went on to commit other crimes before eventually returning to the mountain and setting the car on fire up here and destroying it completely. Luckily local Police spoke to this individual on the night of his return, although we did not know he was the offender at that time, however with this and his fingerprints appearing on the motorcycle, he too will be facing the Magistrate on many charges.

This is a timely reminder that we have a responsibility to properly secure our homes and vehicles and to be mindful of strange activities, goings on and people in our community. It is no longer safe to leave your homes unlocked even when you’re home. You must do better than that to guarantee you won’t become a victim of crime.

School Zones

Please drive safely around our schools - we will be back on our game when it comes to driving and parking around the school zones. Please chat about it with your friends and family and be seen to do the right thing. The kids are watching.

Senior Constable Brendan Edwards
North Tamborine Police