February 2014 - Did you know?

According to the Australian Government’s Australian Institute of Criminology household burglary is one of the most widespread crimes in Australia – with around 335,700 break-ins recorded in 2009-10 year(the latest stats I could access…). Money was most commonly stolen (19%) followed by jewellery (18%), with other items such as firearms also taken from homes. Australians are wary of this crime with around 36% believing their house was likely to be burgled in the coming year.

There were approximately 8,500,000 households in Australia in 2010.

Based on these facts, some sobering statistics emerge:
  • A break-in was recorded every 94 seconds!
  • Assuming no repeat burglaries (for ease of calculation and due to a lack of more specific information) – 1 in ~ 25 households (or 4% of households) would be subjected to a burglary each year!