November 2013 - Area Coordinators Intro

Welcome to our last newsletter for calendar year 2013…Where has the year gone? I can’t believe Christmas is nearly here again...

Our last meeting, held in August, was the AGM - yet again I would like to sincerely thank Frank Thorndike (Secretary), Leonie Rowe (Treasurer) and Sean Kelly (Editor) for continuing to offer their services to serve on the NHW committee. Their efforts are most appreciated and are vital to the continuation of our NHW Group, as are the efforts of all of our members.

With summer and the Christmas holidays bearing down on us, it is perhaps a timely reminder to be aware and exercise caution – fire safety and security in and around the home should be front of mind at this time.

Merry Christmas one and all, and have a safe, happy New Year.

Until the next newsletter, stay safe!

Anne Carrigan-Harrip - Area 2 Coordinator